Sunday, August 31, 2003

Last night my mom and I went to a double-header… Freaky Friday followed by PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN!!! Love that movie. Anyway, it was about midnight and a half when we finally started heading home. We were on the highway (because I live that far away from the theater) when my car just started to sputter and die! Poor little girl. Come on, Jules, don’t die! But she did, right there on the highway in the middle of the night. I started her up a few times and each time she went a little further, but the distances kept getting smaller and smaller… about halfway home (when we had pulled off into a parking lot) we gave up and called good ol’ dad.
Turns out the radiator cap popped off and all the liquid boiled out during the day. Poor Juliet! But I think she’ll be okay. We’re going to check her out today. Hopefully I’ll be able to go back to school so my brother and I can go to FREEDOM FEST and see the Switchfoot concert. Yay.
Of course, after all that, I’m going to have to face the prospect of weird friends and dropping physics and picking up an extra history and being a leader for Intervarsity and all my stinkin’ homework. I have issues.

Saturday, August 30, 2003

Do these really reflect my personality?


The ULTIMATE personality test
brought to you by Quizilla
Well, well. So I am a "seer", according to quizilla. Hmmm... You know, Kate and I worte a cool quiz. Which Disney Villian are you? I'm Ursula. I tend to hold grudges. I also wrote a Which Disney Princess are you? quiz. I'm Belle from Beauty and the Beast, but i find that almost everyone who takes that quiz ends up as Belle, so maybe i wrote it with a bias. Or maybe I just hang out with girls who are also Belle.

What just happened here?

Well, today wasn’t TOO awesome, y’know, it was going better than yesterday. Yesterday my friend was kinda freaking me out a little. I finally got home to where the internet is working, got away from school and all the issues that come with school and I was all set to relax and do some major vegging-out with my lap-top to make up for my week or so without internet. So my friend that has been freaking me out a little starts instant messaging me. That’s nothing new. But then things got weird. He asked me if I liked him at all and if I’d ever go out with him.
I wouldn’t. But how am I supposed to tell that to a friend that I know has liked me for a while? Don’t worry, I told him how it was. It sucked, but I told the truth. But now what am I supposed to do?
My friend Leah thinks that too many important conversations take place on instant message. That some things should really be said face-to-face. I usually agree whole-heartedly. But this time I’m not so sure. I might not have been able to come clean if it was any other way, and then things would be all sorts of complicated. What am I saying? Things are all sorts of complicated. Why did he have to go and do that?

Friday, August 29, 2003

You are Psalms
You are Psalms.

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Back at School

Sorry about all these delays… crazy how my Internet isn’t working on campus. I’m back at home now where things are more reliable. It was good for most of one day, then didn’t work for a few, then was working for about half an hour again, and then stayed off the rest of the time. AAAARRG! I hate when I don’t have Internet! My new roommate must think I’m a super-nerd, because all I do is check to see if my port has been activated. Well, I think she’s a super-nerd. She goes to bed at like nine.
Let me describe my school to you. New Mexico Tech is small, so everybody most likely knows and at least recognizes everyone else. All the people there are nerds. There are a few who aren’t right now because it’s the beginning of the semester, but they will drop out soon enough. (Another one bites the dust!) A lot of people pretend that they are one of the “cool kids” that “fell through the cracks” and just somehow ended up at Tech accidentally, but it’s just an act. They’re nerds. But that’s not a bad thing! Since everyone is a nerd, it means that no one is a snob, so people accept each other with open arms. It’s a nice refreshing change from the place where I went to high school.
Things that are unusual elsewhere are not uncommon at Tech. My friend commented that about half the lights in the dorms are still on a three in the morning. That usually means that people are either studying hard or playing their video games. I usually find myself in the studying hard category.
For now I’m really excited about this semester. One of my best friends, Carmen, is an R.A. for a dorm full of sweetheart girls that are mostly freshmen. My dorm is a girl dorm too, and instead of being a dorm full of people I never see like last year, I already know my neighbors and even the girls below me! They are also mostly freshmen, and it’s fun because they’re all excited about college and stuff. Except for my roomie, who seems not to like it too much. Okay.
Already I’m thinking that I will have to drop a class. This semester I’ve got nineteen credit hours. Yeah, I know, it’s crazy. I hate to do this to my study buddy, but I think Physics is going to be the first to go. That will take me down to fourteen hours, which is way too few. I’ll have to talk to my advisor Dr. Reilly again. He’s not mean… he’s just a little scary.
Other than that I’ve got all kinds of emotional problems. I have major relationship issues to deal with. Hmmmm… maybe that’s why I signed up for nineteen hours… to keep myself busy!

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

On we go!

My floor is completely covered in my junk. Somehow, tomorrow this is all going to fit into my car and be carried north for 150 miles to my little lovely college town. Ah… I can’t say I’m not looking forward to getting off my butt and doing some work again. I don’t think the “summer’s over” thought has really hit me yet. I’m still in goof-off mode. Hopefully getting to Socorro and seeing all the dorms and buildings and trees will make me feel smart again. And speaking of dorms… by the end of the week I’ll be face-to-face with my new roommate. Cross your fingers, I hope she’s cool!

Monday, August 18, 2003

Movie Reviews (#2)

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Yup, I’m buying it as soon as I can! I just saw it for the second time, and it is now on a very short list of my favorite movies. This time I got to see the scene that’s at the end of the credits…. The very long credits, especially when you’re waiting for the scene, and the music was very good by the way. This was backed up by my very music-conscious brother, Nick.
If you haven’t seen this movie, go see it. I completely love it. Sure, there are a few corny lines, especially between the two young lovers during their lovey-dovey romantic moments, blah, but the many many cool lines completely made me forgive the corny ones. And I’m not a forgiving person! Johnny Depp was awesome! He’s my new favorite actor. Geoffrey Rush did a really amazing job as the antagonist, and did anyone notice how much he sounds like the voice on the Disneyland ride that tells you where you’re going? For that matter, did anyone notice all the other things that were taken from the ride? Being a big fan of Disneyland myself, recognizing stuff (and I’m sure I didn’t catch it all) was a big hit. Like the guy sleeping with his pigs and the prisoners trying to get the cell keys away from the dog? And the lady chasing the pirate and the song?!? Alicia liked that Keira Knightley as Elizabeth Swan looks thin without looking like she's anorexic. I really liked Anamaria, and the two comic relief pirates, Pintel and Ragetti. Kate mentioned that they are like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The British Navy had a pair of their own brave if not overly-intelligent sailors, they were a lot of fun. The whole thing was fun! Hey, if you think a Disney Pirate movie is an oxymoron, think again. This was great!

Saturday, August 16, 2003

Did you ever have one of those days that a million big important things happen all at once and you’re looking forward to and dreading them all at the same time? And you immediately decide that this is going to be one of your defining days, but no matter how much thought you gave it you couldn’t mentally prepare yourself? And you make yourself panic in anticipation? And then when things start happening you want to climb up on your friend’s roof and hide? Hide from your friends and hide from your enemies, the people you know, the people you don’t know, everyone around you is looking at you expecting you to do something and you don’t know what to do… so you want to hide in the dark where they can look all they want and not see anything? You really want to hide but you know you can’t? So you have to go out and face whatever happenings are coming your way. And then when you face them you totally mess things up? Everybody seems to know what you’re thinking and they look at you like you’re a loser? And then at the end of the day, you’re so confused as to what happened in which situation that you don’t know how to feel and you can’t even keep the different events straight in your own head? And then you just start to feel sick? Ever had one of those days?

Well I sure haven’t.

Friday, August 15, 2003

Feeling the Crunch

Only ten full days until school starts again, and about five until I have to be all packed up and ready to move up there. There’s so much I have to do and find and buy and take care of… but of course I can’t drive Juliet until I get her re-registered and get her taillight fixed or Mr. Cop-who’s-out-to-get-me will have her towed away! Oh well. I guess I’ll just be forced to drive Beefy. She’s our two-ton Chevy crew-cab dually. POWER!! NOISE!! Oh poor, poor me.

Random Hockey Facts

The Vezina Trophy was created to honor the memory of ironman goalie Georges Vezina, who collapsed during a game in the 20’s with tuberculosis, and died a few months later.

Thursday, August 14, 2003

First outlook on the new season

The rosters for the fall 2003 season were put together Tuesday night… I’m on a team with Kevin, Pete Kane, Bean, Danny Miranda, two guys named Chris and Matt that I don’t know, and Gabe Sanchez. I’m really not happy with my new team. First of all, I was lower in the playing ranking that I would have liked to be, and second, what fun is knowing exactly how a player plays if you can’t play against him? and third, I really can’t STAND that dude. Rar! Kane’s cool. Gabe’s a great goalie. I’m sure we’ll be pretty competitive. If I could put the teams together this thing would be a lot more fun. I don’t think I’ll ever get my ideal roster. It’ll be fun to be on a team with Kevin again. Return of the Dragons?

Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Right now I'm Reading The Odyssey and Ender's Shadow, the song I can't getout of my head is "Take it Easy" by The Eagels and the countdown before school starts is a little over twelve days.

Five Top College Foods

Right now I can’t imagine going back to school without these things… how do people live without them?!?
1) White Cheddar Cheez-Its
2) Frosted Grape Pop-Tarts
3) Kettle Corn!!!
4) Starbuck’s Hazelnut Frappachino
5) String Cheese

Random Hockey Facts

The hockey trivia for Wednesday, August 13, says that Dominik Hasek won the Vezina Trophy as the NHL’s top goaltender six times in an eight-year span from 1994 through 2001. The only other goalies to win the award during that time both played for the Washington Capitols—Jim Carey and Olaf Kolzig.

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

Movie Reveiws!!! (#1)

Devine Intervention
This is what is known as “one of those weird foreign films that doesn’t make any sense.” I paid five bucks to see it at one of those artsy places that show weird foreign films that don’t make any sense. I really have no way to logically tie the scenes together here. There was an obvious story line having to do with a Palestinian guy and his dying father and his love interest, a girl that lived outside Jerusalem so the only time they could be together is when they were sitting in a car in the parking lot of the city border inspection station. All they did in the car was hold hands and stare at each other (really- the couple didn’t talk the entire picture), but the hold-hands scenes were seriously dirtier than some make-out scenes in other movies. I’m not sure how exactly that works, but it was true, Alicia backed me up on that one. Anyway, the girl leaves him after he sneaks her into Jerusalem and the father dies. Other than that it’s just weird. Scattered throughout the movie are scenes of a man opening his mail at breakfast, neighbors throwing garbage bags into each other’s gardens, the beating death of a snake, a woman arranging and burning trash in her yard, and an attempt on Santa Claus’ life. Actually, I think the murder was successful. Then the girl turns into some kind of flying spiritual ninja and takes out a bunch of guys with machine guns. That was cool, as was a middle-eastern cover of a classic CCR song, but neither were worth the many many long stare-at-nothing scenes. This movie needed to spend a lot longer in the cutting room, but even then it wouldn’t have made sense. Maybe I’m too American to understand the symbolism. Maybe there wasn’t any.

Jonny English
I had my hopes up for this one. I really like Rowan Atkinson, I was a big fan of Mr. Bean and Rat Race, and it was pretty funny. It was just a little too silly. I did like his loyal sidekick, Bough (played by Ben Miller II). John Malkovich did a great job playing Pascal Sauvage, the villain. I didn’t mind seeing it, but I won’t spend money to see it again. In all honesty, the best part of the movie for me was the preview for a new live-action Peter Pan movie that’s coming out this Christmas. WOW is that going to be good. I can’t wait!

House of a 1000 Corpses
Call me an idiot, but the title didn’t tip me off. I should really feature this movie on my list of things that automatically make you un-cool. If you saw this one more than once or liked it… well maybe I can’t exactly speak from experience. I walked out of this one in the first thirty minutes, but it felt like a full two hours. What a disgusting film.

Monday, August 11, 2003

Life for now

Just about every day I think of something crazy that I should remember, like stuff that I really enjoy and stuff that sucks, things that people need to know. And wouldn’t you know it… I always forget. So this is mostly to keep my brain in check. Since I might have stolen parts of my friend’s brains too, it won’t just be my opinion that you read about here. G will be writing a little too, but y’know… he’s not so deep sometimes, you’ll have to cut him a break. He really does get weird if he stays awake for about two hours straight.
Things I learned today:
1) Naps that sneak up on you while you’re reading a book are the best kind, as long as you don’t have to be in class in ten minutes or something… or unless you’re reading the book to keep yourself awake. These naps also produce pretty weird dreams.
2) Golf on a Play Station is fun! This is a shock to me because before today I thought that I would never enjoy any golf at all. I guess it helps if the players are Disney characters. I am CUTE as Minnie Mouse.
3) When you miss somebody a lot, you can talk to them about the MOST boring things ever and still want the conversation to continue.